
This app is a educational tool in order for you to understand how instagram works, if you want more info please visit this video It has a lot of functions such as copy all the images you see in screen and more. Here its explained one of those functions, the ability to change our account data (or others account).

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Insta User Data Manual

This is a brief explanation of how insta manages user data.

Terms and conditions

This is a fully educational app for you to know how insta works and how it manages the data. You are the responsible of all you do. Use it only on your own with your accounts.


The structure of the files when you import them from insta-inspector is the same that insta has. There is a lot of files so dont think its difficult. There are a lot of cookies and some filters info. In the file com.instagram.android_preferences.xml you will find the preferences of the current user and the other users (in case you have more than one) that you have logged in.
I recommend sending the files to the pc and edit them with Notepad++ but you can use any app or program from pc or android.
In the com.instagram.android_preferences.xml you will find a tag <string name="current"> inside of it you can see all the user data from your current user. The id, username, biography, etc. You can change it to any id un order to try to login with any account on instagram but the attemp will fail if you dont know the password.
In the tag <string name="user_access_map"> you can see all the users you have logged in and you can choose from in your insta app. You can add or change any id to any account on instagram, as well, you cant login without the password.
All the files of user configuration and data are preceded with the insta ID, if you want to know yours, use the info a few paragraphs on top of this one.

What files to edit?

  • com.instagram.android_preferences.xml <- where is all the info about the current account and others logged in.
  • *_USER_PREFERENCES <- * is the ID of the user.
  • *_usersBootstrapService <- * is the ID of the user.Where is all the info of your followed accounts(profile pic,username, ID...)

Example of user info

Inside of *_USER_PREFERENCES or *_usersBootstrapService you will find a bunch of mixed data, but, how is it displayed.
<string name="user:*"> where * is the user ID.
Inside of any of this user ID strings you can find the data between &quot; which means "
I have change the &quot; with " in and separated with more spaces in order to see how the data is displayed but you have to leave it with the &quot; and all in the same line, if you dont keep it like that insta wont recognice the data.
Whats on a line of <string name="user:*">

"blocking":false,  (or True)
"blocking_reel":false, (or True)
"follower_count":679, (or any number)
"following_count":null, (or any number)
"follow_status":"FollowStatusFollowing", (or FollowStatusNotFollowing)
"full_name":"NokisDemox", (or any name)
"usertag_review_enabled":false, (or True)
"media_count":null, (or any number)
"privacy_status":"PrivacyStatusPrivate", (or PrivacyStatusPublic)
"profile_pic_url":"", (any Pic URL)
"profile_pic_id":"", (any Pic ID)
"has_anonymous_profile_pic":false, (or True)
"username":"NokisDemox", (or any username)
"is_verified":false, (or True)
"byline":"", (short description)
"can_see_organic_insights":false, (or True)
"aggregate_promote_engagement":false, (or True)
"can_boost_post":false, (or True)
"can_be_tagged_as_sponsor":false, (or True)
"is_business":false, (or True)
"reel_auto_archive":"on", (or Off)
"can_follow_hashtag":false, (or True)
"can_generate_nametag":false, (or True)
"is_call_to_action_enabled":false (or True)
All of this but with the &quot; and in only one line without spaces is:
<string name="user:*">{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;*&quot;,&quot;blocking&quot;:false,&quot;blocking_reel&quot;:false,&quot;follower_count&quot;:679,&quot;following_count&quot;:null,&quot;follow_status&quot;:&quot;FollowStatusFollowing&quot;,&quot;full_name&quot;:&quot;NokisDemox&quot;,&quot;usertag_review_enabled&quot;:false,&quot;last_follow_status&quot;:&quot;FollowStatusUnknown&quot;,&quot;media_count&quot;:null,&quot;privacy_status&quot;:&quot;PrivacyStatusPrivate&quot;,&quot;profile_pic_url&quot;:&quot;pic_url&quot;,&quot;profile_pic_id&quot;:&quot;pic_id&quot;,&quot;has_anonymous_profile_pic&quot;:false,&quot;username&quot;:&quot;NokisDemox&quot;,&quot;geo_media_count&quot;:0,&quot;usertags_count&quot;:0,&quot;is_verified&quot;:false,&quot;byline&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;coeff_weight&quot;:null,&quot;can_see_organic_insights&quot;:false,&quot;aggregate_promote_engagement&quot;:false,&quot;can_boost_post&quot;:false,&quot;can_be_tagged_as_sponsor&quot;:false,&quot;is_business&quot;:false,&quot;reel_auto_archive&quot;:&quot;on&quot;,&quot;can_follow_hashtag&quot;:false,&quot;can_generate_nametag&quot;:false,&quot;is_call_to_action_enabled&quot;:false}</string>

Thanks for Using my app please follow me on Youtube and Instagram: NokisDemox


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or in Aptoide
